教育部长江学者奖励计划 特聘教授
国家重大科学研究计划(973) 首席科学家
国家“生物治疗协同创新中心” 前沿平台主任
复旦大学生命科学学院 教授(双聘)
复旦大学生物医学研究院 高级PI(双聘)
中国、美国NSF、香港、新加坡、澳门等 基金项目 评委
2000年获美国Purdue大学博士,任职美国Procter&Gamble(宝洁)公司科学家。2006年全职回国任职复旦大学,从事营养代谢物失调与人类疾病关系基础研究。全职回国后的贡献包括:1,在国际上开创性的发现了代谢酶的乙酰化调控机制,开辟代谢调控研究新领域, 成果以专门章节编入国际通用本科教材(Biochemistry,主编Garrett & Grisham,2016年第6版);2,在国际上率先提出代谢物参与细胞信号通路调控的概念,发现代谢酶突变致肿瘤机理,成果收入国际权威肿瘤生物学教科书(The Biology of Cancer,by R. Weinberg);3,发现胞内氨基酸感知分子机制,揭示氨基酸失调的致病机制。
以复旦为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文40多篇包括Science(3篇)、Cancer Cell、Cell Metabolism(2篇)、Molecular Cell(2篇)、Circulation、Nature Communications(4篇)等知名学术期刊。成果近20次被Science、Nature、Cell、Molecular Cell、Cancer Discovery及Nature China(5次)等期刊专文介绍或评述。获邀在哈佛大学、加州大学伯克利分校及众多国际会议讲学或报告。至少有5篇研究论文成为国际近年热点引用论文。回国后发表的论文总引用超过5500次。
1984-1988 北京师范大学大学化学系,学士
1995-2000 美国普度大学(Purdue University)生物化学系,博士,导师:Ronald Somerville
1988/09-1995/12 实习/助理研究员,中国医学科学院/协和医科大学肿瘤研究所
2000/07-2002/01 科学家,全球洗涤剂及亚洲固体清洁剂人体安全经理,美国宝洁(Procter & Gamble)公司
2002/01-2005/12 技术总监, 亚洲业务总监,美国Life Sciences Inc.
2006/01-2009/01 复旦大学生物医学研究院,副研究员;复旦大学生命科学院,讲师
2009/01-至今 复旦大学生命科学院,教授;复旦大学生物医学研究院,高级PI
2012/09-至今 教育部“长江学者奖励计划”,特聘教授
2016/01-至今 复旦大学附属妇产科医院,教授
1.Ya-Nan Qiao et al.,….Shi-Min Zhao*. Ketogenic diet-produced β-hydroxybutyric acid accumulates brain GABA and increases GABA/ glutamate ratio to inhibit epilepsy. Cell Discovery (2024) (IF:33.5)
2.Kai-Hui Zhang et al.,….Cong-Jian Xu* , Yi-Yuan Yuan* , Shi-Min Zhao*. Follicle stimulating hormone controls granulosa cell glutamine synthesis to regulate ovulation. Protein & Cell (2024) (IF:21.2)
3.Yunzi Mao et al.,….Wei Xu*, Shimin Zhao*. Hypoxia induces mitochondrial protein lactylation to limit oxidative phosphorylation. Cell Research (2024)(IF:44.1)
4.Hu Song-Hua et al.,….Zhao Jian-Yuan,* Xu Wei,* Zhao Shi-Min.* Amino acids downregulate SIRT4 to detoxify ammonia through the urea cycle. Nature Metabolism (2023)(IF:20.8)
5.Jianyong Du et al.,….Shi-Min Zhao, * Xiaoguang Lei, * and Jing-Wei Xiong*. A small-molecule cocktail promotes mammalian cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration.Cell Stem Cell (2022)(IF:23.9)
6.Qian Zhou et al.,…. Wei Xu*, Shi-Min Zhao*. Phenylalanine impairs insulin signaling and inhibits glucose uptake through modification of IRβ. Nature Communications (2022)(IF:16.6)
7.Song-Hua Hu et al.,….Ming-Liang Ye* ,Jian-Yuan Zhao*, Wei Xu* and Shi-Min Zhao*. Methylene-bridge tryptophan fatty acylation regulates PI3K-AKT signaling and glucose uptake. Cell Reports (2022)(IF:9.9)
8.Liang Zhang et al.,….S-M. Zhao* and Chen-Ji Wang*.Mitochondrial STAT5A promotes metabolic remodeling and the Warburg effect by inactivating the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.Cell Death & Disease (2021)(IF:9)
9.Jia-nong Zhang et al.,….S-M. Zhao* and Chen-Ji Wang*.Calcineurin inactivation inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity and induces the Warburg effect. Oncogene (2021) (IF:8)
10.Jiao-Jiao Zhang et al.,….S-M. Zhao* and W Xu*.Nuclear dihydroxyacetone phosphate signalsnutrient sufficiency and cell cycle phase to globalhistone acetylation. Nature Metabolism (2021)(IF:22.4)
11.Xinyu Mei et al.,….S-M. Zhao* and Wei Xu*. Inhibiting MARSs reduces hyperhomocysteinemia‐associated neural tube and congenital heart defects.EMBO Mol Med (2020)(IF:11.1)
12.Qu Yuanyuan et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Jian-Yuan Zhao*. Inactivation of the AMPK–GATA3–ECHS1 Pathway Induces Fatty Acid Synthesis That Promotes Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Growth. Cancer Research (2020)(IF:11.2)
13.Li Yang et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Jian-Yuan Zhao*. APC/CCDH1 Synchronizes Ribose-5-Phosphate Levels and DNA Synthesis to Cell Cycle Progression.Nature Communications (2019) (IF:16.6)
14.Wang Dan et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Jian-Yuan Zhao*. Colonic Lysine Homocysteinylation Induced by High-Fat Diet Suppresses DNA Damage Repair. Cell Reports (2018) (IF:9.9)
15.Zhang, Q. Bai, B. et. al…S-M. Zhao* and Ting Zhang*.Elevated H3K79 homocysteinylation causes abnormal gene expression during neural development and subsequent neural tube defects. Nature Communications (2018) (IF:16.6)
16.He, et al.,…S-M. Zhao*. Sensing and Transmitting Intracellular Amino Acid Signals through Reversible Lysine Aminoacylations. Cell Metabolism (2018) (IF:29)
17.Zhang et al., … S-M. Zhao*and W Xu*. Enoyl-CoA Hydratase-1 Regulates mTOR Signaling and Apoptosis by Sensing Nutrients. Nature Communications (2017) (IF:16.6)
18.Wang D et al.,…S-M. Zhao*, *Wang H, *Zhao JY*. Lower Circulating Folate Induced by a Fidgetin Intronic Variant Is Associated With Reduced Congenital Heart Disease Susceptibility. Circulation (2017)(IF:37.8)
19.Feng Li et al.,…Wei Xu* and S-M. Zhao*. R-2-Hydroxylglutarate Inhibits Succinate Dehydrogenase and Promotes Hypersuccinylation that Impairs Mitochondria Respiration and Induces Apoptosis Resistance. Molecular Cell (2015)(IF:16)
20.Tengfei Zhang et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Kunliang Guan*.Acetylation Negatively Regulates Glycogen Phosphorylase by Recruiting Protein Phosphatase 1. Cell Metabolism(2012)(IF:29)
21.Wenqing Jiang et al.,…S-M. Zhao*. Acetylation regulates gluconeogenesis by promoting PEPCK1 degradation via recruiting the UBR5 ubiquitin ligase. Molecular Cell(2011)(IF:16)
22.Xu W et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Y Xiong*. Oncometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate is a competitive inhibitor of α- ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. Cancer Cell(2011)(IF:50.3)
23.Kunliang Guan et al.,…S-M. Zhao*. Generation of acetyllysine antibodies and affinity enrichment of acetylated peptides. Nature Protocols(2010)(IF:14.8)
24.Qijun Wang et al.,…S-M. Zhao* and Guo-Ping Zhao*. Acetylation of Metabolic Enzymes Coordinates Carbon Source Utilization and Metabolic Flux. Science (2010)(IF:56.9)
25.S-M. Zhao*, Wei Xu, Wenqing Jiang, Wei Yu, Yan Lin, Tengfei Zhang,Jun Yao, Pengyuan Yang, Hong Li, Yixue Li, Jiong Shi, Lunxiu Qin, Qunying Lei, Yue Xiong and Kun-Liang Guan . Regulation of Cellular Metabolism by Protein Lysine Acetylation. Science (2010)(IF:56.9)
26.S-M. Zhao*,Yan Lin, Wei Xu, Wenqing Jiang, Zhengyu Zha, Pu Wang,Wei Yu,Zhiqiang Li, Lingling Gong, Yingjie Peng, Jianping Ding, Qunying Lei, Kun-Liang Guan, Yue Xiong. Glioma-Derived Mutations in IDH1 Dominantly Inhibit IDH1 Catalytic Activity and Induce HIF-1a. Science (2009)(IF:56.9)
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